


    (一)  在运行实施期内,完成“高端装备轻合金铸造技术国家重点实验室”各项工作,并通过检查和验收;
    (二)  围绕实验室建设的总体目标,制定实验室的建设与运行实施方案,全面负责实验室各类管理制度的制定和实施;
    (三)  吸引和聚集优秀学术带头人和学术骨干,构建在国内外有较大影响力的创新研究团队;
    (四)  组织承担国家(含国际合作)重大、重点科技项目,取得一批具有国际先进水平的标志性科技成果;
    (五)  促进实验室基础研究与生产实际的有机融合,加强实验室的对外学术交流,提高实验室的国内外知名度。
    (一)  具有正高级专业技术职称,身体健康,年龄在40~ 55 周岁;
    (二)  长期从事高端装备轻合金铸造技术方面的相关研究,为本领域里高水平的学术带头人,研究成果得到国内外同行认可,具有熟练运用英语进行学术交流的能力;
    (三)  德才兼备,具有较强的组织管理和协调能力、敬业精神和团队精神;
    (四)   对本实验室相关学科领域的建设具有创新性构想,具有带领实验室在其前沿领域保持国内领先和国际先进水平的能力;
    (五) 能保证每年在实验室的实际工作时间不少于8个月。
    (一)  应聘者在本启事公布之日起即可报名,报名截止日为2015年12月31日。初审通过后,答辩时间另行通知;
    (二)  应聘者报名时需提供以下书面材料:
      1.  本人应聘后对实验室的工作设想和预期目标;
      2.  个人工作和学习简历及学历、学位证书或职称证书复印件,在国内外任职或在国内外担任重要职务的任职证明复印件;
      3.  主要学术论文和成果清单、获奖证书复印件;
      4.  个人主要学术和科研成果简述( 500 -1000字);
      5.  提供材料需注明本人通讯地址、电话号码和 E-mail 地址。
    (三)  应聘者需就个人学术成就作简单介绍,并对实验室发展规划、目标、措施和支撑条件等提出明确建议。根据评审情况报实验室建设依托单位审批后正式聘任。
   联系人: 祝强  

        Recruitment Announcement for the Director of State Key Laboratory of Light Alloy Foundry Technology for High-end Equipment
    According to the notice of the ministry of science and technology’s approval to build the third batch of the state key laboratory of enterprises (National Science Foundation document [2015] NO. 329), Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry (SRIF) started to build a “State Key Laboratory of Light Alloy Foundry Technology for High-end Equipment ". 
         The main research fields of the laboratory are basic theory of casting, casting light alloy material, numerical simulation of casting process and advanced casting technology. According to the requirement to build the state key laboratory, we use the “Open, Flow, Union and Competition” as operating mechanism and incentive and funding evaluation system, which is based on performance, to provide high quality technical platform and professional services for all kinds of scientific researchers. According to the relevant requirements of the "Interim Measures of Relying on Enterprises to Build State Key Laboratories" (National Science Foundation document [2012] No.716), we are recruiting a director of the laboratory on a global scale.
1. Responsibilities of the Laboratory Director 
(1) Completing the work of “State Key Laboratory of Light Alloy Foundry Technology for High-end Equipment”, and passing the inspection and acceptance during the running time.
(2) According to overall goals of building the laboratory, making the building and operating programs for the laboratory and taking the responsibility to formulate and implement all kinds of laboratory management systems.
(3) Attracting and gathering outstanding academic leaders and academic backbones, to build an innovative research team which has great influence at home and abroad;
(4) Organizing and undertaking the major science and technology projects and key science and technology projects of the state (including international cooperation), to make a number of international advanced scientific and technological achievements.
(5) Promoting the organic combination between the foundation researches of laboratory and the actual production and strengthening the foreign academic exchanges of the laboratory, to improve the laboratory’s visibility at home and abroad.
2. Requirements for the Laboratory Director 
(1) Senior professional and technical title, healthy and 40-55 years old. 
(2) The director should have been engaged in the relative research of Light Alloy Foundry Technology for High-end Equipment for a long time and have a high level as academic leader in the field. The research achievements should be recognized by domestic and international peers. The director also should have the ability to make academic exchanges in English.
(3) The director should have the ability and the integrity, with strong organization and coordination ability, and love his or her job and team.
(4) The director should have innovative idea for related discipline construction of the laboratory, and lead the lab to be advanced at home and abroad in the frontier areas.
(5) Making sure that the actual work time in the lab should not be less than 8 months per year.
3. Applying Steps 
(1) The applicants can apply once this announcement is released. The registration deadline is December 31st, 2015. After the preliminary examination, reply time will be further noticed.
(2) The applicants should provide the following written materials when applying for this job:
a. The vision and goals for the laboratory if you are employed;
b. Individual working and studying resume, copies of your degree, diploma or job title certificates and certificates of important jobs at home and abroad.
c. The list of main achievements of academic papers and copies of awards certificates;
d. A brief introduction of your main academic and scientific research (500-1000 words);
e. The materials should be marked with your mailing address, phone number and E-mail address.
(3) The applicant should introduce your academic achievements briefly, and supply specific suggestions on the developing plan, targets, measures and supporting conditions of the laboratory. We will send the assessment result to the laboratory construction supporting institution, after approval, the applicant will be employed.
4. Appointment and Assessment
After approval, Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry (SRIF) will sign the employment contract with the employee, providing the letter of appointment. The duration of employment is 5 years. The employment contract will specify the rights and obligations of both parties.
5. Contact Information
Telephone number:+86-24-25851304
Contact person:Zhu Qiang
E-mail: srifzq@163.com  
Address:NO.17, Yunfeng South Street, Tiexi District, Shenyang, P.R. China


地址:中国辽宁省沈阳市铁西区云峰南街17号 邮编:110022 中国机械总院集团沈阳铸造研究所有限公司 版权所有

综合办公室:024-25852950 经营管理部:024-25872276/25851536 E-mail:srif@chinasrif.com 

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